• set thePath to '/Library/Application Support/' • do shell script 'ls ' & thePath • --> Result: error 'ls: /Library/Application: No such file or directory rls: Support: No such file or directory' number 1 The easiest way to quote a string is to use the quoted form property of the text class, as demonstrated in Listing 39-4.. ShellEd is a superb shell script editor for Eclipse The benefits of this plugin are the integration of man page information for content assist/hover help and the ability to run your project's shell.. To ensure that strings are treated as expected—for example, spaces aren’t seen as delimiters—it’s best to wrap strings in quotes. Download Openjdk For Mac

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• set thePath to '/Library/Application Support/' • do shell script 'ls ' & thePath • --> Result: error 'ls: /Library/Application: No such file or directory rls: Support: No such file or directory' number 1 The easiest way to quote a string is to use the quoted form property of the text class, as demonstrated in Listing 39-4.. ShellEd is a superb shell script editor for Eclipse The benefits of this plugin are the integration of man page information for content assist/hover help and the ability to run your project's shell.. To ensure that strings are treated as expected—for example, spaces aren’t seen as delimiters—it’s best to wrap strings in quotes. 773a7aa168 Download Openjdk For Mac

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